Fedora 7 on Dell Latitude D520

Charles Roth, 21 June 2007

  1. Fix extra mouse hits.  (Symptom: moving the mouse over a web page in a browser sometimes causes odd hits on the page, or acts as if the Back button had been pressed).

    Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

    • Change "ServerLayout" InputDevice from "Synaptics" to "Mouse0".
    • Change "InputDevice", Identifier from "Synaptics" to "Mouse0".
    • In the same section, change "Driver" from "synaptics" to "mouse".
    • Change the protocol from "auto-dev" to "IMPS/2".
  2. Enable WiFi at all times (disable non-existent WiFi hotkey).  See forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=148278 (duplicated here, just in case).
  3. Speed up the DVD.  (Same page)

Any feedback is most welcome (roth@thedance.net).  Good luck!