Charles Roth, last updated Oct 2012.
Being a miscellaneous collection of parodies, amusements,
and other references to the works of William Shakespeare.
- Adam McNaughton wrote a lovely, very British,
three-verse parody/summary
of the plot of Hamlet, titled "Oor Hamlet".
Martin Carthy's recording, or
Michael Cooney's notes on the piece.
It's been recorded by a variety of artists, including
Mike Agranoff and John Roberts & Tony Barrand.
- The Complete Works of William Shakespeare at MIT.
- Shakespearean insult generator.
- Shakespearean
Baseball by Wayne and Schuster
(as transcribed by yours truly from a 1970's radio broadcast).
- Hokey Pokey
- Fox in Socks, Prince of Denmark.
- Shakespearean Pie, an hysterical combination
of Hamlet and "American Pie".
- The Noble Ton of Pork, a bad pun/shaggy-dog-story
based loosely on Richard III.
(I heard this in a better form years ago,
believed to be written by Jay Cross, aka Anton of WinterOak.)
- "A Small Rewrite",
wherein Shakespeare's agent convinces him to edit down "all the dodgy"
stuff in Hamlet's soliliquy.
- A Bard by Any Other Name is a collection of
short take-offs of Shakespeare, in the style of Harold Pinter,
Tennesee Williams, and David Mamet... in which I will shortly have
the pleasure of performing the role of Polonius!
- Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope is an hysterical movie trailer for the
"new" book by Ian Doescher.