Java Bookmarks
Charles Roth, 1/28/2011
(TechBlog top)
I. Introduction & Purpose
Just some frequently-used bookmarks for Java information that I often
need... or are such gems that I don't want to lose them.
I welcome suggestions.
II. Basic Javadoc
- Java 1.6
- BufferedReader
- Formatting numeric print output
- java.util.Formatter
- Apache Commons, the motherlode.
- FileUtils
- NumberUtils
- StringUtils
- org.w3c.dom -- the XML DOM in all its, uh, glory.
- Restlet's
- Restlet 1.1 API
- Restlet 1.1 WADL extensions
- XMLUnit
- Javadoc
- Example code
- Tutorial examples
III. Interesting & helpful articles
- Java XPath API -- walking an XML DOM tree with XPath.
- Good entry level Unicode article.
- Read text file from resource.
load properties file from jar.
- svn manual.
- Warrick is
a very helpful tool for recovering "vanished" websites from the
Internet Archive
(aka the 'Wayback machine).
I am using this to recover some "old" versions of javadocs that
have since disappeared from view.
- JavaMelody
is a very nice java-app and system monitoring tool, with lots
of graphs, including (most importantly) memory (aka heap) space used.
- Creating Java Annotations
Using annotations at runtime -- how they really work, and how to write your own.
- "Best java tools you never knew".
- Why We Need Open Wifi -- not exactly java/tech, but
well worth reading and heeding.
- multi-line sed editing -- not java, but extremely handy for working with various
java-related output (think Emma coverage logs, tomcat logs, etc.)