I need to keep track of a lot of detailed info about the web.  I find that a "links" page like this works a lot better than a set of bookmarks.

Interactive Business Systems
IBS ENTG home My IBS resources
Caucus and Conferencing
Caucus Systems David Wooley
NCSA httpd Apache httpd Apache/NT
CERN httpd Fast CGI WebSite 1.1
HTTP 1.0 draft URI defn. WWW Security FAQ
W3 Specs
Windows/NT Web Servers Xitami/NT
HTML Information
HTML Guru RTF to HTML Char Entities
HTML 3.0 HTML Survival Kit Validation tools
Conserving Bandwidth EMU WebStarter Guide HTML Tag Reference
Netscape Javascript Guide Microsoft Jscript Guide JavaScript Resources
HTML & ISO 8859 Dr. HTML Amaya HTML editor
Dynamic Drive WebReference old Brainjar
Icons, buttons, graphics
Icons: Delorie Icons: EMU Pixelsite
Many Icon Links Pixel Foundry
Server-side Scripting
PHP News ASP & Jscript
Software Archives
Merit Stroud's Win Apps SCO: Celestial
Binhex TeraTerm Windows 95
VCNet, Win/Mac My Win95/NT Archive
InterNIC Merit MI Internet Council
Netscape Internet Explorer
Linux & Unix
Linux on Extensa 570 LC Lint LC Lint Doc
Linux Laptops PPP HowTo Josh's Site
Good Unix Sysadm Tools Linux HowTos
Japanese Character Encoding
Text encoding Shodouka Mediator
MS NT Resources Unix to NT Resources Windows/NT Resources
Ataman telnetd Boycott Microsoft
Windows/NT services
SRVANY tutorial InstallShield Article SRVANY description
Any executable... Win32 book Ultimate VB service
Archiving Tools
Unix Zip Macintosh Zip
Perl5 Ref
Books & Publishers
SAMS Publishing O'Reilly
IRS Tax Forms Commercial tax downloads Michigan Tax Forms

Other links I have not yet categorized: