Charles Roth's Home Page

Welcome!  Within these pages, you'll find links and resources that I use in my daily work (and play), along with information and photos about me.  (Click on any thumb-nail photo to see the full sized image.

It helps me; I hope it will help you.

Brief Bio:  I was born on May 23, 1955, in Chester PA to William C. and Peggy E. Roth.  B.S. in Computer Science in '77 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and a "not quite a Master's" from Wayne State in '82.  I've lived in New Jersey, upstate New York, and Southeastern Michigan, wandering a fair bit along the way as a dance gypsy

I keep coming back to Ann Arbor, though -- and this time for keeps, having married Barb McRae (April 25, 1998 - see our fantabulous wedding pages!).  And our joint home page is

On the last day of the millenium (counting from the year 0), we were joined by our daughter, Emma Lynne McRae Roth.  Even perfect strangers thinks she's one of the cutest babies ever.